Residence ηλίαση, (Heatstroke), July 2023
Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Under See Level
Acrylics on linen, finished with varnish
25 x 20 cm
As a fisherman you work all day and all night. We had already been at sea for two weeks, the sun was bright and the drinking water was running out. The reflection of the sun in the water caused us blindness and a sunstroke. The sunscreen had fallen into Neptune's palace along with all the other plastics that had ended up at the bottom of the sea. Suddenly the fisherman saw colors and creatures he had never seen before, not even in Greek Mythology.
Luna Carbone writes:
“ Surrounding Knossos palace is an empty night, a dark purple desert. A suffusing heat come from the night-time snores and onion breath of the earth. The griffon grew bored of her rounds and stopped to shuffle her feet in the sand until she reached the sun warmed layer
below the surface. Slitting her eyes, she smiled as it sent a thin wave of relief through her body like the pleasure of a heavy urination.
‘Psst.’ Said the snake that was her tail but was also The Snake. “Let’s go get tickled by the plants in the field. The palace can watch itself.’
The Griffon said nothing but let the breeze play through her wings. As she divined the messages carried by the patterns in the wind, she agreed. “There is no danger.’
Upon arrival to the green the snake immediately cried, ‘Crush them!’ The griffon sighed but also grinned fondly, snake was so silly.
‘They might die,’ she cautioned. ‘Let them be smooshed and wither! I will make them grow again tomorrow,’ snake replied
writhing violently with enthusiasm. Griffon stamped and the air became thick with oils and aromatics.
All this action woke the poppy who shot straight up from Hades in her most fearsome aspect but also her prettiest party dress.
And here their game began, eternal, conflicting. Opinions yelled for joy, for concern. The conversation is saturated, polarised and full of adoration. The poppy shrieks, ‘Be quiet! At peace!’ her volume contradicting the message.
Snake retorting, ‘Never, I shall party like a Phoenix!’
The Griffon mediates and shrugs, we love other so much. Poppy, ‘Shut up and die!’ Snake, ‘I’ll puke on your doorstep!’ Then they can hold it in no longer and all laugh like maniacs. Creating tiny ripples in realit that float like bubbles back to the palace. The ensuing wave of mystery washes over the structures of the past, the ruins of the present and the void of the future. Awakening sentience in the objects so that the pillars feel smug at their enduring support, the urns begin screaming because they all realise they are empty inside and the bread intentionally
grows mould as a textural replacement for the cloudless sky.”

Poster made in collaboration with Marcus Gurke